Never Give Up before You Try

Seiring dengan semakin pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, khususnya komputer dimana semua data2 yang ada tersimpan dalam bentuk file.

Data-data tersebut atau file-file tersebut tentu sangat penting bagi kita sehingga tentunya kita tidak mau kehilangan data tersebut. Maka dibutuhkan lah tempat penyimpanan data yang aman dan nyaman tentunya. Ada 2 cara yang bisa kita lakukan untuk menyimpan data-data atau file-file tersebut yaitu

1. Menyimpan menggunakan storage (hardisk,flashdisk dsb)

2. Menyimpan secara Online


Menyimpan secara online merupakan cara yang paling menarik dan aman untuk Qt gunakan, karena Qt bisa mengaksesnya dimanapun dan kapanpun Qt mau.

Berikut ini sy akan beri tahu loe-loe pade dimana tempat menyimpan file (hosting file) geratis N sekaligus bisa mendapatkan uang .

Ni dia nih tempat hosting file gratis sekaligus tempat Qt bisa mendapatkan penghasilan :

ziddu merupakan penyedia layanan file hosting yang gratis 100% dengan space file unlimited. Jika dibandingkan dengan yang layanan hosting lainnya maka bisa dibilang ” yang lainnya mah lewaaatttt…. ” 🙂

Selain dengan layanan unlimited nya, dengan menggunakan ziddu Qt jg bisa mendapatkan penghasilan alias duit alia uang and money. Karena ziddu akan membayar atau memberi kita imbalan untuk tiap kali file yang kita simpan di sana di download oleh orang.

Menarik bukan………???

So.. tunggu apalagi buruan daftar disini

Have a nice Try….. 🙂

The Historische Kolleg, founded in 1980 as an Institute for Advanced Study in Munich, supports notable researchers with a proven track-record in research and teaching drawn from all sectors of the historical sciences in Germany and abroad, by releasing them for research purposes. Appointments to the Kolleg, which are made on a competitive basis, offer scientists the opportunity to concentrate on a major work (“magnum opus”) freed from their university duties. The selection criteria are focused on the promotion of research personalities.


Since 1988, the Historische Kolleg has also awarded bursaries to allow post-doctoral students time for their work and to promote close professional contact with established researchers, from the full spectrum of the discipline concerned, within the inspirational atmosphere of the college. The Foundation has provided the Historische Kolleg with funds for the award of two “Gerda Henkel Junior Fellowships” to outstanding young researchers.

Application Deadline: 30 April, 2011

Web Link

The University of Kent is proud to be part of the South-East ESRC Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) in partnership with the Universities of Reading, Royal Holloway and Surrey. This centre of excellence in social science postgraduate research training has 24 fully funded ESRC PhD studentships across the consortium for students commencing their studies in the 2011/12 academic year. PhD studentships will be awarded on the basis of the academic excellence of both the candidate and the research proposal.

Have made an application to study for a PhD at the University of Kent. Applications can be made online.
Submit a research proposal. Research proposals should be discussed with the School Director of Graduate Studies / Director of Research.Supply two academic references. These should be as specific and as detailed as possible so candidates should ask their referees to provide as much information about their academic achievements at either BA or MA level (whichever is relevant) which includes details of their relative position within their cohort and details of their performance on individual courses/modules.


Application Deadline: 11 March 2011

Web Link